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1:27 p.m. - 2005-04-20
ja vi erRRRR!
If you ever listen to "On The Air" by Peter Gabriel, I strongly recommend hearing and singing along to it as "Javier."

"javier.. JAVIER!"

this is right up there with "Biko, Biko - Biko, Speak-o" from his song "Biko." Also turning "Shock the Monkey" into "Jacques the Monkey." I think Herbkersman gets credit for both of those, I'm not sure.

Anyway, so my next recorded song is going to show a strong Peter Gabriel influence. Not to the extent of me harmonizing about Javier - but maybe! Actually, that's not a terrible idea, just because I've been having trouble coming up with words for this tune, and writing about specific people (or imaginary versions of them) has served me well for the last few songs. So, look out for "Lonesome Road (Javier's Theme)" to strike soon.

In the meantime, I'm going to go lay in the sun some more. That's all I really have to say, I'm afraid.

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