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5:05 p.m. - 2003-05-08
gauntlet music gauntlet music
i just learned that my freakiness level is '5'. you should investigate yours at a website like this one:

take one: i totally would have forgiven that diamond back because he was queer - why? when it came to, magic! plus there were no bananas and i am a sucker for stuff like that...and yes i am deranged right now but you won't need to memorize because i am a slacker.

blah blah, that didn't turn out great.

i need to find someone interested in raising my freakiness level.

i need to figure out whether the password system in 'gauntlet 'is for anything but your own amusement, since i haven't found anywhere to input the passwords yet. i made it farther than ever this morning though.

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