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12:23 a.m. - 2005-07-03
one-way man, one-way man
my computer at home was struck friday night by a Lightning Bolt (R, deal 3 damage to any player or creature). the extent of the damage remains unknown. hopefully my hard drive had the wherewithal to employ a Healing Slave or tap its Samite Healer. in the meantime i must live in fear that the last six months of work has been utterly wiped out, forcing me to recreate from scratch those songs not already finished and in public MP3 form. this is all too much to actually think about, and as it so happens i've had a weekend full of fine distractions to keep me from fretting. currently i type from the treehouse-esque bungalow of elizabeth, which is full of fresh air, nice furniture, good tea, and beautiful company. the bathtub is tracked with mud. hopefully my computer can be brought back to life when the wandering shearlies next come to town with their tinkering skills and wares.

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