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2:43 p.m. - 2015-06-21
they only wanna do you dirt
there are so many potential quagmires of nostalgia. unfortunately i have chosen at least one of them (photography) as my primary hobby and so the temptation is always there, lurking just under the surface of the keyboard.

i should establish a second facebook account with a super secret codename, so i can post things like i did back in the day. i mean, the summer myspace makeout manifesto? that could never happen today, and who knows what might have come of it sometime in the years in between. in the heart of summer, as you age, lies the looming truth that all the girls you ever had crushes on possibly liked you also, but you missed the cue and now it is far, far too late as they have long since scattered, moved on, and built complete and happy lives. these are not sad facts, but the results are strange, and still it would be nice to let them know that at one time they were, each of them, the sexiest woman in the world.

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