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12:52 p.m. - 2002-07-06
obscure former communist bloc spirits
they keep me mooooovin'!

i have a vision of the song "havin' fun" being a really great live number for the sorry sods plus one (travis? matt?) on drums. flash would play bass and i would play keyboard and the additional member (donning the mantle of sorry sods drummer 'jimmy gunfire') would hold down the beat and make the whole thing sway! i think it could be really good.

went to the fair and had a very interesting time; there are many wares not seen in my home land, but they were all quite expensive. more interesting was the scarcity of many goods considered essentials at home. quite fascinating and worth the weight i paid.

they keep me mooooovin'!

jeez, i can't remember like any of the stuff i was planning to write here. talking to addison is more fun than i'd expected, and the subtitles only make it easier.

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