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11:43 p.m. - 2002-07-05
she just wants to be somewhere
i think i am experiencing on this trip an unexpected second trip through high school, in an alternate world in which i am social and me and my cynical friends talk shit over milkshakes at burger king and roam the streets looking for somethin' to do toooonight. it's all very ghost world but it's kind of fun to actually go through this phase rather than just imagining it from the comfort of my own home.

and i get to call lotus tomorrow!

in other news, it will soon be again time for the prince to visit. this time i have far more on my plate, as two scrolls stand before me barely scratched-upon and there is much to be consumed before anything can begin. it all hangs in the balance of locating the man known as logan, who bears yet another scroll crucial to the entire operation. once i have read that, i can safely enter the chamber left open by jacob.

your hate,

clipped and distant

dread love,

a two headed cow

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