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6:36 a.m. - 2004-06-05
it's a pretty good crowd for a saturday
there is little that is lamer than having to work at 8 AM on saturday.

okay it would be more lame if i wasn't making $8 an hour, which is sweet.

this temporary gig i have at the main library is very reminiscent of that scene in the phantom tollbooth where the spooky bug guy makes them move a mountain of sand to another spot, one grain at a time, using tweezers. only instead of grains of sand, it's ten pound books, and instead of tweezers, it's unreliable, sharp-edged metal book carts.

i think what "startin' fires" could use, at least in the disco mix, is an allusion to "channel z" at the end.

natalie and i decided a while back that kelis's "milkshake" is the platonic ideal of current popular music, because every time she tried to sing a recent hit it ended up morphing into "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard."

this is the first morning all week that i haven't woken up with a sore throat and immense stuffy grossness. medicine is magical. if only i had more than six hours of sleep i'd feel even better. i wish the effects of this medicine could be sent back in time so i could have gone to see green bean go. obviously that would have been fun whether it was spectacular or disaster, and there were actually kids at tite pockets sort of worth talking to. carter adams and i discussed, of all things, 'bone' by jeff smith, and that little guy on the side of the cup from sesame street. (grover thinks he is the teeny little super-guy. maybe i can find his song on the internet.) i think i want to be that guy for halloween.

my doctor's approach to my illness was that it's not strep throat, so it's either mono, or something else. his approach, since he doesn't believe in the mono screening test, is to treat me for a generic something-else (i.e. antibiotics and anti-inflammatories), and if that doesn't produce a sustained result, then it must be mono. i liked this plan until i ran into the pink frosty at t.p. and she thought it was ridiculous to not just take the test. but carter (i would nickname him "president adams" but that would be way too confusing) (if funny) asserted that the test is only 70% accurate. that's a better than one-quarter chance that you could have mono but be told that you didn't. and it would suck if you eventually realized you did, i think.

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