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5:09 p.m. - 2004-06-24
comin' down the mountaaaaaain
I wonder if I could get my bicycle onto "Pimp My Ride." I'd really like to get some of those weird lights that run under the bottom of the frame - maybe on my baskets? Also I could use some spinnaz. More realistically, I'm going to get me a kickstand, and maybe a rear view mirror if they make those. I'm also wondering if I could attach some weak speakers to my basket complex like that other guy around town, and run a walkman powered by some sort of wind turbine.

Searching for "Mountain Song" by Jane's Addiction, I typed in "Addiction Mountain," which Indy thought sounded like a health class analogy for how you gradually achieve higher and higher levels of drugs - or maybe become tolerant to a particular drug? Then it occurred to me that Perry Farrell was probably *actually* singing about Addiction Mountain. Man, that guy.

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