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2:39 a.m. - 2005-08-10
i was never desperate until now
1. popfest/ash's visit is proving even more enjoyable than had been expected. it's all very chill and fun and involves looking at the places i'm sick of through the eyes of a newcomer. this and the experience of hearing new bands (in all their flaws), plus also having the next like four days off work, is making me feel way more optimistic and stoked about getting things done in the here and now, especially music. my album is going to be great, and i can once again visualize a doctor casino band. this one however is going to stay true to the blueprint of my recordings - not slavishly true, mind you, because i want new ideas to enhance things, and the looseness of a live performance... i just mean, this is going to be a drummer and me and two more keyboardists. i am going to create a monstrous wall of keyboard pop sound that blows at least a few people away. the only question is who will join this vision. "emily s." seemed potentially supportive? maybe? we'll see.

2. for those of you who like any sort of electronic pop/new wave/i don't know what this shit is called, i urge you to check out "surrender" by the new models, over at their myspace page . i've known mark for years now (he was a member in the later stages of my old "internet band" days) and i've been following his stuff with increasing interest, but this is the first definite hit to come out of his current project. it's tight, catchy, with a great mix, and some lush-but-not-draggy guitar-and-keyboard interplay that lifts the whole thing up beautifully. and the ending reminds me of oasis, in only the good ways. i realize i've failed to plug many excellent songs here in the past, but hopefully now these days are gone.

3. this buffering shit is HELL on dialup, but the capricorns also have some new mp3s up. judging from the astounding slew of comments already posted about this, they're really awesome. but since thanks to AOL i can't hear more than fifteen sceonds of these things without a ten-second pause in between, i'm going to have to save my rave until the charter people get back to me. "once again, depending on the coolness of the city."

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